
Our epilepsy specialists are experts in diagnosing and treating seizure disorders. 我们每年治疗数百名癫痫患者.

Hands holding up head silhouette filled with frequency lines


In the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 成人癫痫 Program, we research and treat all types of seizure disorders. We provide world-class care to hundreds of patients each year. Our robust research program combined with exceptional clinical care makes us a top location internationally for epilepsy treatment.


  • 团队护理方法: An entire team works together to treat patients with seizure disorders. 我们的团队方法结合了神经学家的专业知识, 神经外科医生, 精神科医生, 心理学家, 神经放射学家和其他团队成员.
  • 突破性的发现: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 researchers have discovered several devices and therapies for epilepsy treatment. 例如, our scientists identified brain wave changes that most consistently point to an epilepsy diagnosis. Our specialists also developed the first stereotactic chronic depth electrode recordings and electroencephalogram (EEG) telemetry, two tools that are now standard worldwide in epilepsy diagnosis.
  • 训练领导人: Each year, our specialists train multiple fellows in epilepsy care. Many of our fellows go on to become leaders in the national and international epilepsy medical community.


The 成人癫痫 Program provides world-class comprehensive inpatient and outpatient services within our neurology department.



Patients come to this clinic for initial assessments and diagnosis. Experts in all our subspecialty clinics work together so that patients with a seizure diagnosis have access to all available treatment options.


通过这个中心, we care for patients who still have disruptive seizures even after trying two or more medications. 我们的专家提供替代疗法, 比如饮食的改变, 外科手术或通过临床试验的新药. We aim to see patients soon after failed treatment to help them get the treatment they need right away.   


  • 诊断被忽视的、可治疗的疾病
  • 确定先前治疗失败的原因
  • 提供替代疗法, 比如神经调节, 手术, diet, 实验性抗癫痫药物或行为疗法
  • 提供心理及社会支援服务


Specialists from neurology and psychiatry partner to lead this program. We focus on helping people cope with the anxieties or social challenges of living with a seizure disorder.


癫痫 is a condition characterized by recurring seizures that have no other known cause. Seizures occur when there’s a burst of irregular electrical signals in the brain.

Seizures may cause loss of consciousness and involuntary movements. They may also cause more subtle symptoms, such as rapid blinking for less than a minute.



局灶性癫痫发作发生在大脑的一侧. They often cause aura symptoms, such as feelings of déjà vu, visual changes or changes in hearing. 症状可能包括也可能不包括意识丧失.


全身性癫痫发作发生在大脑两侧. 它们可能包括:

  • 小癫痫发作: These seizures are brief states of changes in your consciousness, 但它们通常不包括意识丧失. 它们可能导致快速眨眼或眼睛抽搐. Usually, they last for 30 seconds or less, and the person may not even know they had a seizure.
  • 癫痫大发作: These seizures include recognizable symptoms such as loss of consciousness, 震颤或肌肉收缩. People may feel sleepy, have vision problems or get a headache.
  • 清音癫痫: 也叫空投攻击, these seizures cause a person to suddenly drop their head or fall from a standing position.
  • 肌阵挛性发作: These seizures cause repetitive, sudden jerking of specific muscle groups. They usually occur in clusters, meaning they happen several times a day.


Our epilepsy team provides a full range of diagnostic tools and treatment options. We aim to find an effective treatment plan that works for your lifestyle and needs. 这是我们节目的核心, our goal is to help you find a treatment that enables you to live a seizure-free life.


  • 血液测试 to assess blood sugar or check for other conditions that could cause seizures
  • 成像测试, such as MRIs or CT scans, to view brain structure and function
  • 脑电图(EEGs) 来记录大脑的电活动
  • PET扫描 to help identify the area of the brain where partial seizures arise
  • 脊髓穿刺(腰椎穿刺) to test cerebrospinal fluid for infection or other problems that could cause seizures


  • 药物治疗: 大多数人服用药物来预防癫痫发作. Some patients try several medications and doses before finding one that effectively treats seizures. 如果你尝试了两种或两种以上的药物都没有成功, an epilepsy specialist may recommend other treatment options.
  • 饮食的变化: Some research shows that certain diet plans can help control seizures in some patients. Specifically, a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet may be beneficial. 你可以遵循生酮饮食, 改良阿特金斯饮食法, 低血糖指数饮食或中链甘油三酯饮食.
  • 迷走神经刺激器(VNS) A VNS is a small device that is surgically implanted in the chest. Its wires connect to one of the large nerve pairs in the neck (vagus nerve). 电线向迷走神经发送小的电脉冲. These electrical signals may fire consistently throughout the day, 或者你可以在癫痫发作的第一个迹象时激活VNS.   
  • 手术: 大多数癫痫患者不需要手术. But in rare cases, 手术 can stop the spread of irregular electrical signals in the brain. A neurosurgeon may safely remove a small portion of the brain where seizures occur.


Our team of specialists offers the full spectrum of epilepsy care. We research, diagnose and treat all types of seizure disorders.


Call 310-794-1195 to request an appointment with an epilepsy specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康. To schedule an appointment with the 癫痫发作障碍中心, please call 424-260-8836.



我们诊断和治疗所有类型的癫痫. To schedule an appointment with the 癫痫发作障碍中心, call 310-794-1195.